Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Weekend

Kacen got a horrible mosquito bite on the side of his eye Friday night and by Saturday it was nearly swollen shut. Poor kid. It is looking a little better now.

Kace and Andie have these sad stuffy noses. Well Andie's is sad and Kacen's is yucky cuz he wipes it on anything, but his mucus made him have a sad cough. Ky Ky had a sore throat. Luckily I am feeling alright, keep your fingers crossed.

I saw a spider last night that made me run over to a chair and literally stand on top of it screaming. Ky's response was, "Go kill it." But he didn't want to kill it either. I decided that people hate killing big spiders because we're afraid that they will jump up and get us. Admit it, you've thought that before.

Ky and I are a little hooked on Cher Lloyd's "Want U Back." If you haven't heard it, youtube it.

Today was totally a chocolate souffle day. It was so good, and Ky loved it. I love making food when my hubby loves it, it makes me so happy. Isn't it funny that with all the people in this world to please I really just want Ky to love my food, and that is pretty much all that matters. PS chocolate souffle is totally one of my favorite deserts now. 

Also we love Andie girl, she smiles all the time, real or not it is so cute, and she isn't fussy any more either, let's keep our fingers crossed on that too. I will be posting her one month update soon.


  1. guuuuuurl, you like my sistah from anotha mistah! spider killing freak-outs: so there. half of life revolves around pleasing husbands tastebuds: right there with you.

    ummm.. can I have your chocolate souffle recipe?

    1. Haha yeah we are totally alike! Did you find the recipe? It is here http://www.hersheys.com/recipes/recipe-details.aspx?id=8489&name=Hot-Chocolate-Souffle

  2. awww poor Kacen! Hope you all feel better soon! I need to call and talk to you some time- sorry I'm such a slacker. We love and miss you lots!

  3. Bella hates that song, so I love to turn it up really loud and grunt super hard. It makes her crazy. Yeah that's what kind of mom I am.
