Friday, February 10, 2012

Kacen's Day-O-Fun

I have been sick for the past three days like runny stuffy nose, sore throat, tired, dizzy, headache, just so yucky. I have spent three days in the same pair of sweats. 
 Anyway I really meant to get to this post earlier but let's just talk a minute about the pictures. Our camera broke, we borrowed the in-laws, the battery was dead, the pictures then went to Tennessee with Perry, when they got back I realized we only took three, and the video and pictures on Ky's camera are now magically missing. 
So...sorry there are so few pictures but here was the itinerary, and yes I did actually write up an itinerary:
February 3rd Kacen's Day-O-Fun
9:00 a.m. Ultrasound (I am so bummed about how lame they are here)
10:00 Kacen got to pick out a toy at Toys-R-Us. So overpriced but Ky wanted him to have a toy store experience. The only toy he REALLY wanted was a power wheels way over budget, had pictures but all gone now.
11:30 Lunch at Chipotle 
12:30 Monkey Joes, $5.00 for unlimited bounce house fun. Kacen loved it and got so worn out that after only 2.5 hours he left without crying.
Then it was back home to nap, watch a movie, make dinner and have cake.
The cake was a cookies and cream cake it was pretty good, all homemade.
Oh that is Oreo around his mouth.
PS we got a new camera the next day so hopefully we can better document our son's life. He is so fun and so full of energy we love having him around. Even though he is so crazy and I want to pull my hair out and hide under my covers like 70 times a day there is at least a 140 times a day when I want to just watch him and smile because he is so cute. We are so grateful every day for him and love being his parents.

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