Monday, July 11, 2011

Crazy for Crazy Feta

I just made this like five minutes ago and loved it sooo much that I came down straight away to share it with you all. Please head over to How Sweet It Is and make her crazy feta, yumm. I spread that right onto some artisian bread from "Artisian Bread in Five Minutes a Day" and it was so good. Add a little roasted jalapeno at a time it gets hot fast so just try it to see how it goes. And had it on warm whole wheat pita bread, yumm. This will be one of my new favorite snacks. For this recipe you make roasted garlic, this was my first time making that and that was so yummy too. (ok so that was Sunday) Today (Monday) my hubby made fake Winger's Sticky Fingers, oh yumm I am in my happy place right now. The sauce texture was a little off but I think we will work the kinks out. I didn't take any food pics, should have but didn't, sorry just trust me they are both great and looked a lot like the ones from the sites.


  1. It sounds SO good, but I'm not a huge fan of feta. Wonder what I could change it up with?

  2. Your blog has inspired me to get into the kitchen more often! Right now I think I'll go make brownies but on my list is this crazy feta!
