Monday, September 10, 2012

What we do While Daddy's Awake

If you read my blog and have a blog and I don't have your link on the right please tell me about your blog I love new reading material.

I wish I had that sort of devotion to my mom, but I am one lucky mama.

When Ky Ky is awake he does cute things like this.
I didn't know that he had done this and he just told me, "Andie really wants you to change her diaper." Being the nice wifey I am, I went to change her diaper and saw this on her. It was so funny, She didn't need a diaper change, he already did it. 

The other day I realized that Kace had pink painted toe nails. Hahaha. No one has fessed up yet, but whatev. 

Also while daddy is awake we watch Raising Hope, well just started only two episodes in but it is pretty funny. Alright after a couple more episodes I need to say that Raising Hope is sorta trashy.

But we have been watching the Lorax a lot and that is a pretty good flick.


  1. Super cute! What a silly daddy! Chad did things like that when the girls were little too- one time he wrote on their butts with sharpie. :)
