Friday, October 21, 2011

Not A Great Post

Well since my camera broke I have not taken any good photos but here are a couple snippets of our life. Sorry some of them are blurry.

Kacen....and I, like Tangled; like as in watch it multiple times a week. Here is in one of his favorite spots, sitting one his dad's skateboard watching Mother Gothal die, what a great movie for a one year old huh?
 He has been facinated with the riding lawn mower and we only just fixed it a couple of weeks ago so he finally got to see how it works, he followed his Grandpa around and around the lawn until finally Grandpa let him ride, and he LOVED IT!

 He also loves to skateboard, he can go up on two wheels and land back down again, GO KACEY!
 And he will climb anything, this is the cat's scratching post, which ironically I have never, not once, seen the cat use. Kacen can crawl into that hole and lay there.
 Thanks to my awesome "Freedar" I snagged the red chair, two blue chairs and a table for FREE! Kacen has an obession for things made for little people and loves anything that is his size. I was really happy to get these great finds, we now have five little people chairs. Enough chairs to host a really great party.
Yesterday my Mother-in-law and I headed out to the Leola Auction and snagged 39 mums for $59, what a great deal huh? Well we had a little bidding mix up and that was actually way more than we thought we were going to pay but still a great deal. Originally we had 30 mums for get this $15, can you believe it less than $.50 per pot?!?! But then the last bid we thought they were selling per pallet but they were selling per pot, so what we thought was $4.50 for 9 plants was really $4.50 per plant, yikes ($40, on 9 plants). So we set some on the curb to sell and had three buyers yesterday, recovered some of our losses. If anyone is looking we have small yellow plants for $1.50 and large ones for $2.00 (better than the nursery).

That auction is so cool but I leave feeling like I need to send Kacen into an "out of the hood" program to go live with the Amish and learn how to be more subdued. The Amish and Mennonite children are much more well behaved than little Kacerkins.
 Some other fun things recently:
Kyle's Grandma Raleigh came to visit from Utah, so we went to Hershey and Kacen rode the "How we make chocolate" ride and loved it. He sat next to me with his hand on my leg the entire ride and only moved to bob his head with the music.

Kace is, well you know, developing normally I think, haha. He does goofy things all the time and his new favorite thing is to grab my arm or leg pull me where he wants me to go, I LOVE the communication it is so nice to figure out some of his needs. He is sort of a naughty little tyke and sure knows how to throw a tantrum, just look at his head it is green and purple from hitting it on the ground when he freaks out. But we love him and he often has super cute moments too.

And he can finally jump repeatedly both feet in the air on the tramp, he loves having the trampoline in the front yard.

Well I know this is not the greatest post but it's all I got. Thanks for reading. By the way something else I just learned, farm fresh eggs are WAY better than store bought that isn't just something that cooking show hosts say to show off.

Peace Out


  1. Cute post actually! I like farm fresh eggs too. Out of ease I end up getting them at the store most of the time though and pay a little less but they aren't as tasty.
    Do you still have the plants? I haven't been to the auction yet this season, arhg!!
