Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby Wise

I just wanted to quickly say that I am a believer in the book "On Becoming Baby Wise." I have really tried to implement the tactics they use in that book to get your baby sleeping through the night at an early age and it works. Kacen is only 10 weeks now and he sleeps at least 6 hours every night (which he was doing by 6 weeks) and sometimes even 9. So for all of you moms or expectant mothers read this book and do what it says it really worked for us. Sorry I have been lazy about getting pictures up, I will do that soon plus I have a really great pie crust to share, I made my first apple pie on Monday and it turned out great I used apples I got from my bountiful basket. We got a lot of great produce and I think we will eat most of it, but it had Swiss Chard and that was sick. Well look for pictures coming soon.


  1. MMMMMMmmmm apple pie sounds YUMMY! That is awesome that baby wise works for you guys! I've heard that it works AWESOME for some babies and not for others. Who knows. I'm definitely interested in it! For whenever I need it anyway.

  2. haha swiss chard? yumm! So you think you will eat all of that produce? I have not had any time to do it yet and I still am not sure if we will eat it all! I think I will just have to try it!
