Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Blog: The Sisters Learn How

Hey everyone I just want you to have a heads up that me and my sister, K'Leena, are starting a new blog called, The Sisters Learn How, just click on that name to be redirected. You know everyone has "how to" blogs out there so we figured we would jump on the band wagon, but obviously ours will be better (wink). Things aren't quite in full swing just yet but my sister is doing some posts right now, I am so so SO busy for the next month or two, but when we get things really going we will be visiting people where they work and learning how to do trades from the professionals. A couple of things we have lined up to teach you are: wedding cake recipes, how to make sugar flowers, making custard from the best custard shop in DC, butchering a chicken and reupholstering furniture. So keep watching our blog and be patient while we work out the kinks. Also if you have anything you have always wanted to learn just tell us and we will see what we can do to get a post out there about it.

1 comment:

  1. SWEET! Sounds awesome! Can't wait! I always wanted to knit. I've even learned a few times but it never sticks! If you can find a way to teach me and have it STICK- that'd be pretty saweet:) haha.
